The weather could have been better, but people’s spirits were not totally clouded over, and after a slightly delayed start due in part to ‘innovative’ navigation by the curate the group set off up
river, under the canopy of the trees. After an introductory chat from Carolyn,
appreciated, and to finish we had a drink in the warm and dry pub rather than a picnic in the increasingly heavy rain. During the walk we stopped at 3 spots for discussions based John chapter 6 (the feeding of the 5000), and shared sweets and biscuits amongst ourselves and with some bedraggled walkers. At the finish Sam gave us a short concluding thought and we finished with a prayer by the river.
Next month… 23rd August, Croyde Beach for games, reflections on ‘holiday’ and maybe some surfing, 10am meet at Homebase, BYO surfboard (we’ll get hold of a couple of learner boards for novices) and picnic. Pray for sunshine, bring your friends.